Are You Seeking Specialists In Birth Preparation?
Although childbirth is a stressful process, there are ways to make the pain more manageable. One way to do this is by ensuring your body is prepared to give birth.
Offering education and evidence-based treatments, PelviCare regularly helps women with birth preparation. Preparing your body and mind will ensure, when your waters break and you head to the hospital, you feel as confident as possible as to what comes next.
Strengthening your pelvic floor during pregnancy until around 34 weeks is one of the most important parts of birth preparation. We can help teach you pelvic floor exercises to be better control of it during delivery and from 34 weeks we will show you how to practise perineal
massage to prepare your pelvic floor for the labour which will minimise the risk of injury.
A good control and connection with your pelvic floor will minimise the risk of injuries occurring and means you’ll be better equipped for labour.
Practising breathing relaxation techniques can also ensure you stay calm when your time comes.
A strong pelvic floor will minimise the risk of injuries occurring and means you’ll be better equipped for labour.
Practising relaxation techniques can also ensure you stay calm when your time comes.
Whatever your specific concerns, whether during the antenatal or postnatal period, our team at PelviCare is keen to help.
With our postnatal treatments, we can help you recover much faster after a birth. Working from our clinic in Greenwich, we attract people from across London.
If you’re looking for help with birth preparation, don’t hesitate to contact our team for more details.