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Enjoy Professional Postnatal Physiotherapy and Support

The postnatal period (otherwise known as postpartum) is considered to be the 6 weeks following childbirth. 

It can bring an array of problems, including those related to the pelvic floor, which can be helping through the use of physiotherapy.

According to the WHO (World Health Organisation) the postnatal period is one of the most critical yet neglected phases of mother and child. It’s therefore important to take good care of yourself along with your baby. Fortunately, here in the UK we have excellent medical care available but in poorer countries it’s the time when mother and child are most at risk.

Why have postnatal physiotherapy at our clinic in Greenwich?

Postnatal physiotherapy is ideal for helping you get back in action and feeling in optimal health. At PelvicCare, we can support a faster rehabilitation after giving birth. 

During the postnatal period, you’re likely to have a weakness in the tummy or pelvic floor muscles, which causes instability and poor core strength. This can lead to pain, pelvic pain, bladder problems and bowel dysfunction.

Our services include carrying out assessments so we can offer bespoke treatments and exercises. We also offer Mummy MOTs which are one of the most popular postnatal health assessments. Recommended for women following both vaginal and caesarean deliveries, it can take place 6 weeks, 8 weeks, or even years after birth.

Discover more reasons to have postnatal physiotherapy or contact our friendly team today.