Hip Pain in Pregnancy: How to Reduce this Problem
Like the issue of back pain, having discomfort in your hips is common during pregnancy. It’s particularly the case in the later stages as your body prepares for birth. It can also be exacerbated by hormonal changes and weight gain during this time.
Fortunately, there are a number of ways to help reduce the issue of hip pain during pregnancy, which we can assist with at our clinic in London:
Firstly, prenatal exercises can help strengthen the muscles around your hips. This will provide exceptional support and reduce discomfort. Pelvic tilts, prenatal yoga and swimming are often recommended. These activities help with your flexibility and improve your posture, which can reduce strain on the hips.
It’s also important to sleep in the right position.
Many women find it helps to sleep with a pillow between the knees, since this helps support the lower back and abdomen. Side-sleeping, particularly on the left side, is encouraged to enhance blood flow and reduce hip discomfort.
Warm baths and heat therapy can also help.
Applying warmth to sore hips can help ease pain. A warm bath or using a heating pad on the affected area can reduce muscle tension and improve circulation, offering relief. However, it’s vital to ensure the water is not too hot to avoid overheating.
Wearing a maternity support belt can also provide additional stability. This is because it takes some of the weight off the hips and lower back. These belts are designed to lift the abdomen slightly, reducing pressure on the pelvis and helping with posture.
Consult with one of our physiotherapists in London.
We can recommend tailored exercises, stretches or manual therapy to relieve discomfort. These methods, when combined, can significantly reduce hip pain, improving comfort during pregnancy.
If you’re worried about hip pain in pregnancy, simply contact us for more information today.