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Seeking Experts In Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy In London?

Pregnancy is a different experience for every woman, both emotionally and physically. In terms of the latter, it can affect us in a myriad of ways, some of which might seem surprising.

Some women find their feet get bigger after pregnancy. Others have issues with their pelvic floor after giving birth. Some find breastfeeding difficult while others think it’s an enjoyable experience. None of the problems you might struggle with are anything to be ashamed of.

Physiotherapy is an excellent way to help you feel your best, both before and after your little-one arrives. It can also help to support women going through the menopause.

Located in London, PelviCare delivers a variety of treatments to support you during the antenatal and postnatal periods. This includes expert physiotherapy sessions, including those that promote the strength of your pelvic floor muscles.

A strong pelvic floor will make it easier to give birth and make it easier to recover afterwards. During pregnancy, training the muscles will help your body be able to support the weight of the baby. It will also reduce the risk of incontinence occurring following childbirth.

Our Mummy MOTs include checking your pelvic floor and treatment plans to help with any issues with this area. This postnatal assessment is one of the many services we offer at our clinic in London.

If you’re looking for a clinic that offers physiotherapy for the pelvic floor, discover more about PelviCare. Or simply drop us a line today.