Treatments For Pelvic Floor Issues In Greenwich
Your body can do some incredible things, including creating new life. It deserves the best possible care both during and after pregnancy.
In order to support your new arrival, you need to be in optimal health during this time. Too many mothers neglect themselves following a birth, then end up feeling rundown and overworked. You might also experience unexpected issues following childbirth.
Pelvic floor conditions are extremely common following pregnancy. This isn’t surprising, since this part of your body comes under significant strain during this time. Other problems that can affect the pelvic floor include carrying extra weight, trauma, muscle overuse and surgery.
PelviCare delivers a range of treatments for pelvic floor conditions.
Your pelvic floor is made up of a complex web of muscles, fascia and ligaments. The muscles sit like a hammock in two layers, between the pubic bone and the coccyx. They’re highly important because they help to control your bladder, uterus and rectum, which is why if damaged, problems like incontinence are common.
Physiotherapists that help keep you in great shape.
PelviCare works with women during the antenatal and postnatal periods, helping with all kinds of problems. We also provide support during the menopause.
Along with a range of treatments, we offer professional advice to keep your pelvic floor in good condition. For instance, avoiding smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, having a high fibre diet and getting plenty of rest will help.
If you’re seeking support for pelvic floor issues, please contact our friendly team for more information.